Macha Flavored Basque Burnt Cheesecake

I made this luxurious basque burnt cheesecake using matcha from Wumin’s Clan. 😊 It’s very easy. All you need to do is mix and bake! I don’t bake that often but I was able to make this all by myself lol I wanted to enjoy the matcha flavor so used a lot of matcha. The bitter taste of the matcha and the cake’s burnt areas make for an indulgent treat!

:: Today’s Recipe ::
(For a 16-centimeter (6-inch) cake pan)
Cream cheese 200g
Heavy cream 200g
Sugar 100g
Eggs 2
Matcha 20g

  1. Bring cream cheese, heavy cream and eggs back to room temperature. (If you don’t have time, microwave the cream cheese and heavy cream until it’s at room temperature.)
    2. Preheat the oven to 220℃ (428°F).
    3. Line the inside of the cake pan with a parchment sheet. (I trimmed away the excess paper from the sides a little because it overhung too much.)
    4. Mix all the ingredients together evenly using a blender or a hand blender.
    5. Pour the cheesecake batter into the prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes at 220℃ (428°F) until the butter expands and the top is dark brown.
    6. Cool it to room temperature (it will shrink) and refrigerate in pan until it’s firm enough. After it will be ready to serve!

At first I paired the cake with hojicha (roasted green tea) to match the roasted flavor. And then I tried Japanese black tea from wumin’s clan and they went together very nicely!! Both of them are delicious! I personally liked the Japanese black tea better.

The roasted flavor and the sweetness of the tea matched well with the cake. Also the tea cleared my palate. There was a light impression using this combination.

Japanese black tea:
The sweetness of the tea matched with that of the cake. The flowery and fruity flavor and mild bitterness of the tea refreshed my mouth.

When you want a light taste for this cake, hojicha is a nice tea. When you want an elegant taste I find Japanese black tea is the one to have.

Pairing Japanese tea with a matcha rich cake … What a great way to spend my afternoon!! 🥰

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