Light-stemmed Green Tea with Fresh Herbs

This tea is one type of tea that I received as a give away on Instagram. Thank you very much Wumin’s clan!😊

I cold brewed this light-steamed sencha (green tea) and paired it with a tomato pasta. The ambassador of the give away, Ms. Asami Ishizuka, showed how to cold brew tea with fresh herbs on Instagram Live. Using the same method I also tried blended tea with basil and ao-jiso (green perilla) that are growing in the garden.

:: Today’s Recipe 1 (Basil) ::
Tea leaves 3-4.5g
Amount of water 300ml
Temperature of water Room temperature
Steeping time One night in the refrigerator (8-12 hours)
Basil A half of a middle sized leaf

:: Today’s Recipe 2 (ao-jiso) ::
Tea leaves 3-4.5g
Amount of water 300ml
Temperature of water Room temperature
Steeping time One night in the refrigerator (8-12 hours)
ao-jiso (green perilla) Half of a big sized leaf

When you want to cold brew basil or ao-jiso with tea, tear the leaves of the basil or ao-jiso into small pieces and put them into a bottle with tea leaves.

This cold brewed sencha is very clean on the palate. ✨ The fresh flavor of the light-steamed tea and umami went well with the tomato pasta for my dinner.

The basil flavor became an accent to the taste of the pasta. If you aren’t a big fan of strong flavors you can cold brew only the tea and float the torn basil leaves onto the tea just before drinking. The flavor of ao-jiso is mild compared to basil. The aroma makes you feel relaxed.

I received six kinds of tea from the give away and they are sure to last me a long time! Either drinking tea by itself, or adding different kinds of herbs, I look forward to experimenting with these tasty teas by Wumin’s clan! 😆

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