Mango Iced Tea

I received these mangoes from a Taiwanese friend! 🥭😆✨ My friend said that this year’s mangoes are large and I was surprised to see that they were this big!! They are tasty on their own, but since I received so many I wanted to try making mango iced tea using Japanese black tea. I made two types: one with sliced mango and the other with mango purée.

:: Today’s recipe 1 (Sliced mango) ::
Tea leaves 10g
Water 500ml
Temperature Boiled water
Steeping time 3 minutes
Ripe mango (Peeled and sliced) 200g
Mint leaves Proper quantity

Firstly make hot tea and pour it from a teapot into a pitcher and put sliced mango inside. After letting it cool down a bit, refrigerate for more than 1 hour, pour into a glass, add some ice and place mint leaves on top.

:: Today’s recipe 2 (Mango purée) ::
Tea leaves 8-10g
Water 300ml
Temperature   Boiled water
Steeping time 3 minutes
Ripe mango (purée)  2 tablespoon 
Mint leaves  Proper quantity

Make hot tea 1.5 or 2 times stronger than usual and move it from a tea pot to a pitcher. After letting it cool down a little, make mango purée using a blender and add it into the tea. Strain through a strainer to remove the solids, pour into glasses with ice and place mint leaves on top.

You can adjust the strength of the tea depending on the type of tea or your preference. If you are a big fan of sweet things, you can add liquid sugar. Also, I recommend to use completely ripe mangoes to make use of its sweetness and make the tea even more tasty.

Japanese black tea is cultivated and processed in Japan. It features less astringency and a subtle sweetness. I used organic black tea from a shop called Miyazaki Sabou (宮﨑茶房). This tea also has less astringency and you can enjoy it without adding any sweetener.

The subtle sweetness of this tea and the refined sweetness of the mango worked together very well and personally, I didn’t need any sweetener. It turned out to be a lovely combination that brought out the best of these natural ingredients!

I enjoyed this iced tea, being very grateful to my friend who gave me this amazing gift. Why don’t you yourself try and enjoy the combinations of tea and fruit? 😉

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